
Invisible Machine Readable class

A portable RF transceiver

Micron-sized mineral powders (1 – 2 microns)-Only 50 μg of taggant is required to secure any object.

Several Sub-Molecular Physical effects such as NMR/MRI, EMR, NQR


Invisible Machine Readable class

A portable RF transceiver

Micron-sized mineral powders (1 – 2 microns)-Only 50 μg of taggant is required to secure any object.

Several Sub-Molecular Physical effects such as NMR/MRI, EMR, NQR


  • Extremely High Resistance to Fraud -due to physical effects used (completely new to the authentication industry.
  • Insensitive to ambient conditions such as magnetic or electrical fields, dirt, greases, temperatures extremes (-100 to 600 oC).
  • Custom “Fingerprint” tagging – unique tagging material for major customers / integrators means extra security.
  • Very high authentication reliability with extremely low false readings rate – meeting 6 sigma level (3 false readings in a million readings).
  • Instantaneous Detection – allows for in-motion detection (in credit cards readers and high speed bank sorting and testing machines)”

Customer’s Operating Advantages

Definite Yes/No indication

• No human judgment means higher operator performance reliability in adverse conditions.

Provides solid evidence in court of law

• Extremely high reading reliability.

Flexible implementation on products

• May be applied via most printing technologies, inside materials such as plastic, paper etc.

Inherent Control on sub-contractors


The Readers’ Operating Principles

These signals excite the taggant atoms to respond to unique frequency signals specific to the Fingerprint
The detector transmits specific radio frequency signals to the taggant on the marked object.
The taggant atoms emit the unique frequency signals.
The detector receives this signal and determines if the proper “Fingerprint” is present on the tagged object.

Comparative Positioning

The Magic Quadrant
Simple for End-User
Difficult for End-User
Easy to Break
Hard to Break

Six Sigma Reliability

MicroTag technology has an extremely high authentication reliability when applied correctly
having extremely low false readings rate of 6 sigma level (3 false reading in a million).
It is the most reliable covert authentication technology, currently in the Brand Protection market.
Six Sigma at many organizations simply means a measure of quality that strives for near perfection..

Technology Robustness

MicroTag unique technology robustness, stems from it’s breakthrough in applying sub-molecular sophisticated effects, currently in use only in high cost
applications such as medicine and research, to the Brand Protection applications. Currently, most Brand Protection technologies are either optical, magnetic or
biological (DNA) effects. Most of these technologies have been in use for years and, respectively, they are well known to forgers. MicroTag came from a new
direction – which are completely fresh and unknown to the current forgers generation, and takes a lot of knowledge base, resources and time to compromise.

Comparison with Other Technologies

Comparison with Other Technologies contd.